If your company or the company you work for has purchased a domain name from GoDaddy, you can enjoy an exclusive email service with the domain name of your company. You can access your GoDaddy Webmail account through EmailSecureServer.net. This is the Go Daddy secure email portal loggin for business customers of the hosting provider. By using the Go Daddy Workplace Email service login, customers who own a business can work professionally by attaching the name of their company when sending emails and avoid spam via the platform.
The GoDaddy Webmaail www.EmailSecureServer.net login service can be accessed from desktop computers and mobile devices alike, such as an iPhone, Android smartphones or tablets. As far as features are concerned, the EmailSecureServer.net Go Daddy app will allow you to use your Office 365 webmail account, view and work on your online storage, access website databases and check your calendar, writing, forwarding and receiving emails, among other features. If you have not used the EmailSecureServer platform before, here is a guided presentation of how you can logon or signin.
Step by Step Guide for GoDaddy Webmail EmailSecureServer.net
In order to access your GoDaddy Webmail, you need to be signed up with the company’s hosting service. If you or your employer registers a domain name or acquires hosting services from this company, configuration will be done by GoDaddy. It is not matter that your domain is under GoDaddy management; you can transfer it to GoDaddy and benefit from their webmail application. If you have covered these aspects, you can proceed by logging into your GoDaddy Webmail account using the following steps below:

GoDaddy webmail login page screenshot.
- In order to access your GoDaddy Webmail Workspace (to not be confused with GP Workspace) email address, you must go through a secure login process. Open your web browser and copy and paste this link to arrive at the EmailSecureServer loign page: emailsecureserver.net. You can use the www.emailsecureserver.net to sign into any email with a domain on G o Daddy servers. If you are on a mobile device, you can select the “Mobile Login” link at the top right hand corner of the page, or you can clear the login list by clicking the link in the same area.
- The platform will redirect you to the Work Space email lgoin website, where you will need to have a user name and password prepared. Your user name is your company emaill address (i.e. name@email.com), and your password was given to you when you began working with GoD Webmail. If you do not remember your user name or password, you should check your personal email account for the information sent to you by GoDaddy. After you enter your lgin credentials, press down the large blue “LOG IN” button with the lock next to it.
- If you find any problems with loging in, you can consult the GoDaddy Webmail EmailSecureServer.net help webpage for support issues here: https://www.godaddy.com/help/using-your-workspace-login-5543.
- According to your needs, GoDaddy Webmail logn also provides a list of frequently asked questions regarding email account setting up for IMAP, POP, Microsoft Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook 2007 or Microsoft Entourage. You can access each setup process individually and work on the settings for the set up you are interested in. If you want to access the FAQ page, you can do so here: http://help.secureserver.net/topic/168/article/5246?plid=.
GoDaddy 101
Saying that GoDaddy was just a big or good company would be an understatement. The multi-billion dollar company based in Scottsdale, Arizona, is one of the greatest names in the web hosting, domain registry and web server industry, with over 12 million customers and 4,000 employees. It was founded by Bob Parsons in 1997 and has since grown to a $1.387 billion revenue business, with a $143.31 million net income in 2014. It maintains a superior position on Alexa, ranking in at 134 as of April 2015. Currently, Go Daddy manages no less than 60 million domains from around the globe. GoDaddy offers various marketing opportunities, such as affiliate programs, charity – 501 C3 support, customer advocacy – social media engagement and listening, influencer programs, business and / or corporate development partnerships, event sponsorship, online, mobile, search engine, social media and podcast advertising and more.
In addition to being arguably the most reliable platform for purchasing domain names in the world, GoDaddy is also praised for its memorable Super Bowl ads and its famous spokespeople. Few are those who know that GoDaddy is actually a sponsor of NASCAR, among its activities. Additionally, the company has been the sponsor of the GoDaddy Bowl since 2010, a college football bowl game that takes place in Alabama. The company is also very active in the world of philanthropy, with countless donations for an impressive number of causes in recent years. It has received almost a dozen rewards only in the 2010-2012 period, such as making the “Inc. 500/5000” list by Inc. Magazine for eight years in a row, multiple awards by the International Marcom Competition for creativity, product launch and philanthropy or being an honoree on the “Best Companies to Work For” list by Fortune 100.
The “magic” behind GoDaddy takes place in a huge 65,000 sq. ft. data center in America that operates at 20 Gigabits per second. GoDaddy runs fourteen facilities, in the United States, Europe, Asia, and more. Furthermore, he company provides 24/7 customer service for its clients. They have been admired for their ingenious marketing campaigns, but they have also had their fair share of controversies. Among the numerous controversies that GoDaddy has undergone, we can point out the backing of SOPA and the boycott that resulted from it, the suspension of Seclists.org, acquiring of No Daddy, shutdown of RateMyCop.com and FamilyAlbum.com, and various animal rights, China domains and service outage controversies. Nevertheless, GoDaddy remains a powerful platform for registering online domains to this day.
- GoDaddy Webmail WorkSpace – emailsecureserver.net
- GoDaddy WorkSpace Email Help – http://support.godaddy.com/help/article/5974/checking-workspace-email
- Email Secure Server FAQ – http://help.secureserver.net/topic/168/article/5246?plid=
- GoDaddy Careers – https://www.godaddy.com/careers/overview
- Contact GoDaddy – https://www.godaddy.com/contact-us.aspx
- GoDaddy Official Website: www.godaddy.com
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