All the content we write and publish on the site is created and shared in good faith and for general information purpose only. We are striving to make the online community richer and better informed, helping regular people handle their computer tasks and beyond. We help by way of the content we post, but we don’t claim a fail-proof scientific authority to back us in this effort. Our team is comprised by amateurs on their way of becoming full-fledged professionals, who acquired most of their expertise in school and by testing and exploring by themselves. Even though mathematics is obviously a strong point in computer sciences, there are no fail-proof solutions and sometimes computers may behave in unexpected ways, especially since we don’t have the big picture of what else may be wrong with your hardware or software.
This is hence our Disclaimer: we cannot be 100% sure that the advice we present here on Today Assistant is truly fail-proof. Therefore, our website, Today Assistant, is not liable for any misfortunes which could result if you follow a recommendation or opinion expressed here to the letter. However, we seriously doubt that anything bad can happen, since our advice also takes into account opinions, shortcuts and reviews expressed on other IT guides from forums around the web.
Furthermore, we need to state in this Disclaimer that our website does not use any form of affiliate marketing and that any brands we may refer to in our posts do not pay us in any way. Therefore, even if we speak highly of one brand or company and not so highly about others, this is by no means influenced by any material compensation of any kind (money, discounts, products or services and so on). Our opinions are our own and we express them in good faith, in order to help out the wider online community because we happen to have become more tech-savvy than most. That’s it. Enjoy our website!
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